

You can find current information and news from our project work as well as interesting facts about the Global Ethic Foundation here.

Junger Mann arbeitet an einem Laptop

You can find current information and news from our project work as well as interesting facts about the Global Ethic Foundation here.

Menschen auf dem Podium diskutieren.
Meike Augustin-Hiljegerdes

Religion & ethics: AI with responsibility

Foto: Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart Artificial intelligence (AI) and the associated changes to our living environment are currently one of the most pressing issues in our society. What role do religion and ethics play

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Der Flyer zur Umbenennung der Hans Küng Schule
Meike Augustin-Hiljegerdes

Why name a school after Hans Küng?

Foto: Stiftung Weltethos On 12 June 2024, the Progymnasium Burladingen was renamed Hans-Küng-Progymnasium and celebrated in a ceremony. This naming not only honours a world-renowned scientist and theologian, but also provides inspiration and guidance

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Eine Gruppe junger Menschen mit zwei älteren Herren blicken freundlich in die Kamera.
Meike Augustin-Hiljegerdes

Youth forum of religions at the state reception

5 active members of the Baden-Württemberg Youth Forum of Religions, together with Büşra Çebi and Dr Theresa Beilschmidt (Global Ethic Foundation), accepted Minister Manfred Lucha’s invitation to the New Palace in Stuttgart and took

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Zu sehen ist das Logo vom Bündnis für Demokratie und Menschenrechte.
Julia Glass

Global ethic for democracy & human rights

The Global Ethic Foundation is part of the non-partisan and civil society ‘Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights’ in the district of Tübingen. More than 60 organisations, initiatives, churches, associations, municipal officials, clubs and

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Grafik mit der Aufschrift "Active 4 Future"
Julia Glass

Active 4 Future

The second online network meeting for committed SMV students from Global Ethic schools took place on 10 November 2023 and 15 March 2024 under the title ‘Active 4 Future’. 40 pupils in grades 7

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Regenbogenfarben am Nachthimmel mit Symbolen des Islams.
Meike Augustin-Hiljegerdes

Conference ‘Liberal Islam’

Islamic religious life is diverse and is organised in different institutions in Germany. Demands for a liberal Islam are being voiced from very different directions. At the same time, the number of voices claiming

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Ein Bücherstapel der Publikation "Interreligiöse Initiativen in Deutschland - ein Wegweiser".
Meike Augustin-Hiljegerdes

Newly published: Interreligious Initiatives in Germany

The Foundation’s tasks include participating in various networks and working groups, such as the ‘Interreligious Network Germany’. The handbook ‘Interreligious Initiatives in Germany – A Guide’, a joint project of the Global Ethic Foundation

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Studierende des ValiDE-Projekts aus Deutschland, Polen und Norwegen lächeln zum Gruppen-Foto in die Kamera.
Meike Augustin-Hiljegerdes

Erasmus+ project ValiDE

For the second time, students from the Erasmus+ project “ValiDE – Values in Democracy Education at Primary Schools” visited the Aischbach elementary school in Tübingen to gain a practical insight into the work and

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Menschen unterhalten sich beim Vernetzungstreffen der Räte der Religionen.

Interfaith network holds hybrid meeting

Around 30 representatives of various interfaith initiatives and institutions came together on 16 November 2023 for the hybrid meeting of the Interfaith Network Germany. In previous years, the meeting took place under the title

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