5. November 2023

Interfaith network holds hybrid meeting

Menschen unterhalten sich beim Vernetzungstreffen der Räte der Religionen.

Around 30 representatives of various interfaith initiatives and institutions came together on 16 November 2023 for the hybrid meeting of the Interfaith Network Germany.
In previous years, the meeting took place under the title ‘Lindau Follow-up’, as it had come together after the Religions for Peace World Conference in Lindau in 2019. The name has now been changed to ‘Interreligious Network Germany’ in order to address and integrate a broader spectrum of interreligious initiatives. The name change was made on the basis of a jointly defined self-image.

Values in dialogue


Its self-image includes the goal of strengthening interreligious co-operation in Germany through networking and exchange. This cooperation should take place between members of interreligious groups, representatives of religious communities, educational institutions, research and teaching as well as institutions that promote interreligious dialogue. The members are committed to publicly representing common ethical orientations in the areas of peace, justice and sustainability. The network also supports the dialogue on religion and development in international cooperation and on foreign policy and religion.

The work of the network is based on the Basic Law and aims to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All members of the network are committed to principles such as respect, mutual respect, human rights, freedom of opinion and religion, and equal rights. The network usually meets twice a year, either in person or online. A steering group of up to seven people, representing various groups in the network, takes on the necessary management tasks.

Zu sehen ist eine weiße Friedenstaube vor blauem Hintergrund mit einem Ast im Mund.
Zu sehen ist Khushwant_Singh

Giving impetus


Khushwant Singh, Head of the Secretariat of the International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Eschborn, gave a keynote speech on the connection between religion and sustainability and the importance of promoting interfaith work. He emphasised that we are living in ‘oppressive times’ and that interfaith work is particularly affected by this. This is because conflicts worldwide often have a religious connotation and implication. At the same time, religious peace mediation currently appears to be virtually impossible and holds little promise of success. However, he emphasises that local peace initiatives should be continued and, if possible, strengthened. Singh is a member of the Frankfurt Council of Religions. In his opinion, personal encounters and dialogues are currently the most promising way to defuse conflicts.