It is due to the commitment of Count Groeben that the Global Ethic Foundation could be established in Tübingen in October 1995.
In the initial years the focus of the Foundation’s work lay within the further scientific foundation of the Global Ethic project as well as the dissemination of this idea through publications and educational offers. Soon thereafter, the focus was also on the actual implementation of the Global Ethic theme in various areas of society. The first projects emerged, first in the field of interreligious and pedagogical work, then also concerning other topics as well as for other target groups.

It is due to the commitment of Count Groeben that the Global Ethic Foundation could be established in Tübingen in October 1995.
In the initial years the focus of the Foundation’s work lay within the further scientific foundation of the Global Ethic project as well as the dissemination of this idea through publications and educational offers. Soon thereafter, the focus was also on the actual implementation of the Global Ethic theme in various areas of society. The first projects emerged, first in the field of interreligious and pedagogical work, then also concerning other topics as well as for other target groups.

The beginning of the Global Ethic project is marked by the publication of the book “Christianity and World Religions. Paths of Dialogue with Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.” In it, Hans Küng comprehensively engages with Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism for the first time (a volume on Chinese religions would follow in 1999). It is the epilogue of this book which contains Küng’s thesis “No Peace Among Nations Without Peace Between Religions,” which was to become the slogan of the Global Ethic project.

Hans Küng initiates his research project “On the Religious Situation of the Time” with publications on Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

UNESCO Symposium “No World Peace without Religious Peace” in Paris: this was the first time Hans Küng presents this later program of the Global Ethic project at UN level.

Hans Küng speaks at the World Economic Forum in Davos on the topic: “Why Do We Need Global Ethical Standards in Order to Survive?”

The fundamental concept of the Global Ethic Project is published. With topics such as: “Why We Need a Global Ethos,” “Why Ethic?,” “A Coalition of Believers and Non-Believers,” “World Religions and Global Ethic” it outlined challenges of the time and was translated into 17 languages.

"Judaism: Between Yesterday and Tomorrow “ with its comprehensive historical and theological analysis of this religion is published.

The Second Parliament of World Religions in Chicago adopts the Global Ethic Declaration. This text, written by Hans Küng, is geared towards believers as well as non-believers alike. For the first time in the history of religion a consensus, regarding the questions of ethos, is conveyed by the world’s major religions.

“Christianity. Essence, History, and Future”, the second volume of Hans Küng’s trilogy on the religious situation of the time, is published.

Thanks to the financial support of Karl Konrad Graf von der Groeben, the Global Ethic Foundation is founded in Tübingen. One year later, the Swiss Global Ethic Foundation was established in Zurich.

With his book - “A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Economics” - Hans Küng outlines the international relevance of the Global Ethic Project for politics and business.

Hans Küng, and former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, incentivised the InterAction Council of Former Heads of State and Government to prepare the proposal for a Universal Declaration of Human Obligations – supplementing the UN Declaration of Human Rights and inspired by the Global Ethic Declaration of Chicago.

In Cape Town the 3rd Parliament of the World Religions makes the Chicago Global Ethic Declaration tangible through its appeal to leading institutions. This included the completion of the multimedia project “Tracing the Way: Spiritual Dimensions of the World Religions” comprised of seven television films on the great religions of the world, an interactive CD-ROM and an illustrated book.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair opens the series of Global Ethic Talks with a major speech on the topic of “Values and the Power of Community.” The talks are jointly organized by the Global Ethic Foundation and the University of Tübingen. By 2021, 15 Global Ethic talks will have taken place.

The Global Ethic project is submitted to the United Nations. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan assigned an international “group of outstanding personalities” – including Hans Küng – with the task of developing a concept for a new paradigm of international relations. The report is published in German under the title “Brücken in die Zukunft. Ein Manifest für den Dialog der Kulturen". The manifesto for the Dialogue of Cultures refers to the Global Ethic project on multiple occasions. In addition, Hans Küng has the opportunity to present the Global Ethic Programme with a statement to the UN General Assembly. Click on "2001" above to read the statement in full.

A highlight of the Global Ethic speeches to date: UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan holds the 3rd Global Ethic Speech at the University of Tübingen.

Küng’s book “Islam. Past, Present and Future ” marks the end of his major research project regarding the religious situation of the time.

Stephan Schlensog offers an extension of Küng’s research project on the religions of India with his analysis ‘Hinduism.’ A similar study for Chinese culture is planned, yet never realized.

Business ethicists and practitioners from the business world develop a Global Business Ethic Manifesto under the auspices of the Global Ethic Foundation. It is presented to the public in New York and Basel and is published under the same title in 2010.

Hans Küng bundles his manifold new insights and experiences in the field of “global business ethic” in his book on fair business practices.

The musical composition “Weltethos” offers a completely new approach to the global ethic theme through classical music: composed by Jonathan Harvey and set to texts by Hans Küng, it is first performed by the Berliner Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Sir Simon Rattle with subsequent performances in London and Birmingham.

Thanks to the initiative of the entrepreneur Karl Schlecht, a long-time supporter of the Global Ethic idea, the Global Ethic Institute, founded a year earlier, is opened at the University of Tübingen. This affiliated institute of the University of Tübingen is supported by the Global Ethic Foundation and financed by the Karl Schlecht Foundation.

After preliminary discussions in Tübingen, a Global Ethic Institute is opened at Beijing University (Beida) during the Beijing Forum in Beijing, under the direction of Prof. Tu Weiming: it is a cooperation between the Global Ethic Foundation, Beida, the University of Tübingen, the Karl Schlecht Foundation and the Chinese Sany Group.

In the book "Walls to Bridges: The Global Ethic", Hans Küng, Stephan Schlensog and Günther Gebhardt offer a compact overview of the status of the Global Ethic project after two decades.

Hans Küng begins writing his Complete Works: all of his written work compiled in a 24-volume edition; each volume including an introduction to its individual history. The works are edited by him as well as Stephan Schlensog. The last volume of this work, comprising more than 16,000 pages in total, is published in October 2020, only a few months before Hans Küng’s death.

Hans Küng beginnt die Arbeit an seinen Sämtlichen Werken: einer 24-bändigen Ausgabe seiner Schlüsselwerke, jeweils mit einer werkgeschichtlichen Einführung, herausgegeben von ihm und Stephan Schlensog. Der letzte Band dieser insgesamt über 16.000 Seiten umfassenden Ausgabe erscheint im Oktober 2020, wenige Monate vor Hans Küngs Tod.

In the coalition agreement of the newly elected Grün/Schwarz (politically: green/black) state government of Baden-Württemberg, the Global Ethic Foundation is described as an organization that makes “ground-breaking” contributions to fostering the dialogue between religion and cultures. Since then, the Foundation has conducted a number of successful joint projects together with various ministries.

In order to commemorate Hans Küng’s 90th birthday, the Global Ethic Foundation, organises a festive event, as well as a scientific symposium, together with the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Tübingen. The keynote speaker is the former EKD Council Chairwoman, Margot Käßmann.

In Toronto, 25 years after the proclamation of the Global Ethic Declaration, the 8th Parliament of the World Religions is dedicated to the subject of Global Ethic. Due to the world-wide political urgency of climate change, the Global Ethic Declaration is extended by a directive on sustainability.

A widely attended Studium Generale lecture series “Global Ethic for the 21st Century. A Global Learning Program” provides comprehensive information on the history, issues and perspectives of the Global Ethic project.

The Global Ethic Foundation moves into its new headquarters in Tübingen’s ‘Westspitze.’

Hans Küng, founder of the Global Ethic Project and founding president of the Global Ethic Foundation, dies on 6 April in his apartment in Tübingen.

On 11 October, Eberhard Stilz hands over the presidency of the Global Ethic Foundation to Prof. Dr. Bernd Engler, former Rector of the University of Tübingen.

The ‘Hans Küng Outstanding Contribution to The Global Ethic Award’ honours Hans Küng's achievements in the field of global ethics and the creation of the Global Ethic Declaration. The award is presented at the Parliament of the World's Religions to individuals who have made a special contribution to the dissemination and implementation of the Global Ethic. The first winner is Dr Stephan Schlensog, who received the award in a festive ceremony.

Lena Zoller takes over the management of the foundation. With her vision and passion for interreligious understanding, she carries Hans Küng's legacy into the future.