Religion & ethics: AI with responsibility

Menschen auf dem Podium diskutieren.

Foto: Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart Artificial intelligence (AI) and the associated changes to our living environment are currently one of the most pressing issues in our society. What role do […]

Why name a school after Hans Küng?

Der Flyer zur Umbenennung der Hans Küng Schule

Foto: Stiftung Weltethos On 12 June 2024, the Progymnasium Burladingen was renamed Hans-Küng-Progymnasium and celebrated in a ceremony. This naming not only honours a world-renowned scientist and theologian, but also […]

Youth forum of religions at the state reception

Eine Gruppe junger Menschen mit zwei älteren Herren blicken freundlich in die Kamera.

5 active members of the Baden-Württemberg Youth Forum of Religions, together with Büşra Çebi and Dr Theresa Beilschmidt (Global Ethic Foundation), accepted Minister Manfred Lucha’s invitation to the New Palace […]

Global ethic for democracy & human rights

Zu sehen ist das Logo vom Bündnis für Demokratie und Menschenrechte.

The Global Ethic Foundation is part of the non-partisan and civil society ‘Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights’ in the district of Tübingen. More than 60 organisations, initiatives, churches, associations, […]