27. July 2023
Statement on the war in Ukraine
Does the Global Ethic Foundation have nothing to say about the war in Ukraine? That’s what we have been frequently asked. No, indeed, we have no intention to remain silent!
The peaceful coexistence of nations
and of individuals is at the heart of the original idea of our Foundation. So much is clear:
peace between people is a, indeed is THE fundamental imperative of world ethic. A war of aggression is therefore just as clearly a fundamental violation of those values. However, at least one other world ethic imperative has been violated: truthfulness. Naturally, truth is always one of the first victims of war. Nonetheless, it is hard to believe how shamelessly the Russian side is lying and deceiving here. We do not think ourselves in the position to put an end to violence and lies. What we do want to do,
is call a spade a spade and record a violation of ethic. We also want to state that this blatant violation is not an argument against the ethical imperatives that Hans Küng – recognized worldwide – has worked out. Rather, it demonstrates the need
to hold on to them, to uphold them, to defend them – and to brand violations with their help. The clearer and more diverse the position is taken against it, the more likely it is that the violence will be stopped. In the long run, Putin will not be able to withhold the truth from his own people.
All the more, however modest our means are, we will continue to stand up for peace and truthfulness on no uncertain terms, now and in the future.
Eberhard Stilz
Former President of the Global Ethic Foundation