12. August 2024

Vice President of the State Parliament meets Global Ethic Foundation

© Stiftung Weltethos

Daniel Born, Vice President of the Baden-Württemberg state parliament and spokesperson on religious policy for the SPD parliamentary group, was a guest at the Global Ethic Foundation on 5 August. Dr Theresa Beilschmidt and Büşra Çebi talked to him about the visibility of religion and religious actors as well as the importance of councils of religions for local authorities.



In an exchange with him and his personal advisor Dr Bettina Ahrens-Diez, Dr Theresa Beilschmidt and Büşra Çebi presented foundation activities and projects for democracy and values education, such as the workshop “Religion? All you can ask!” workshop, the series of talks on current ethical issues such as climate justice and AI or the intercultural and interreligious speed dating event on 22 September, the opening event of this year’s Intercultural Week Tübingen (IWO).
With these and many other programmes, the foundation creates spaces for encounters that are aimed at both religious and non-religious people.
Born explained that the foundation’s approach of focussing on what we have in common and facilitating encounters is particularly important now, as the tone between religious and non-religious people has become harsher and extreme views are often heard.

"I always find it wiser to look for what unites rather than what divides."

Interesse zeigte Born auch an dem Projekt „Räte der Religionen“: Die lokalen Räte der Religionen bringen Vertreter*innen von Kommunalverwaltungen und Religions- und Glaubensgemeinschaften miteinander ins Gespräch. Sie machen religiöse Akteur*innen in der Stadtgesellschaft sichtbarer und fördern politische Teilhabe. Mit diesem Projekt leiste die Stiftung einen zentralen Beitrag für das friedliche Zusammenleben in Kommunen.

The Vice President of the State Parliament supports the aim of the Global Ethic Foundation: to emphasise that religion and religious actors are important as social forces and should be more visible.

Contact person


Dr. Theresa Beilschmidt

Interfaith and society
Tel.: +49 (0)7071 400 53 - 13
e-Mail: beilschmidt@weltethos.org