15. December 2024

Religious Peace Requires Gender Equality

Azza Karam hält ihre Rede hinter dem Podium.
© Stiftung Weltethos

On November 25, 2024, the University of Lucerne hosted the third Global Ethic Lecture. Prof. Dr. Azza Karam, a scholar of religious studies and chair of the women’s rights organization “Lead Integrity,” addressed the topic of gender equality.

Her message: Without gender equality, the pursuit of global peace and social justice remains incomplete. She called for recognizing gender equality as an essential foundation for peace between religions and cultures.


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Hans Küng – Weltethos Lecture

The Full Lecture

Read on to learn why Prof. Dr. Azza Karam advocates for overcoming blind spots in interfaith dialogue and the paths she suggests for achieving peace and justice.

Hans Küng – Global Ethic Lecture

The lecture series is jointly organized by the Global Ethic Foundation Switzerland, the Ecumenical Institute, and the Institute for Social Ethics at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Lucerne. The aim of the series is to introduce, discuss, and further develop the concerns, principles, and themes of the Global Ethic Project.