17. January 2025

New Director at the Global Ethic Institute

Portrait von Prof Nils Goldschmidt, neuer Direktor am Weltethos-Institut
© Tanja Hoffmann/RHI

Starting in February 2025, Professor Dr. Nils Goldschmidt will lead the Global Ethic Institute in Tübingen. The renowned economist and business ethicist combines economic, social, and cultural issues in a globalized world from an ethical perspective.

Goldschmidt is well-known for his human-centered approach to economic topics and has been a member of the German Ethics Council since October 2024. He holds a professorship in Contextual Economics and Economic Education at the University of Siegen and is also the chairman of the Action Alliance for Social Market Economy.



What defines an economy that promotes diversity and strengthens social cohesion? How can sustainable development goals and economic success be meaningfully combined? Goldschmidt will continue to research, publish, and teach on these questions, now from Tübingen.

My vision is based on an understanding of global ethics that combines economic development and social responsibility. The Global Ethic Institute offers a place for dialog and education, but also for optimism and courage for social innovation. I would like to make my contribution to this from February 2025.

Das Weltethos-Institut von Außen in Tübingen
© Felix Müller / Weltethos-Institut
Ulrich Hemel im Gespräch vor dem Weltethos-Institut.
© Felix Müller / Weltethos-Institut



The team at the Global Ethic Institute is excited to welcome Nils Goldschmidt as a director who uniquely bridges science, education, and practice. Together, they aim to set new impulses and show how global ethics can be implemented in a dynamic, complex world.

The previous director, Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Hemel, will retire after more than six years of dedicated leadership. On February 10, 2025, at 6:00 PM, he will give his farewell lecture in the Old Auditorium at the University of Tübingen. The official handover of the office to Professor Goldschmidt will take place during this event.

Global Ethic Institute

The Global Ethic Institute at the University of Tübingen is a research and education center supported by the Global Ethic Foundation and funded by the Karl Schlecht Foundation. Its core mission is to promote value orientation, dialogue, and trust in business and society.