27. May 2024
Can democracy be learned?

Rising right-wing extremism, anti-democratic parties and misanthropic attitudes are the current concerns of our society. These developments show that democracy cannot be taken for granted.
Democracy needs people to get involved, to participate and to accept different opinions. This makes it all the more important to raise awareness of democratic values. The aim of democratic education in schools is to make young people aware of democratic values.
Guide to democracy education
Democratic behaviour has to be learned. For this reason, the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs has introduced the ‘Guide to Democracy Education’ in all schools in Baden-Württemberg for the 2019/20 school year. The guidelines provide teachers and school administrators with materials to teach democratic skills to students. Based on four building blocks, students are to deal with identity and pluralism, self-determination and authority, equality and solidarity, and interests and participation. Pupils learn to resolve conflicts constructively, to participate in projects and to accept other ways of life.
Schools thus make an important contribution to democracy education. Teachers encourage pupils to engage with democratic values and to participate actively in school life. Teaching these values is a basis for democratic coexistence in which citizens recognise and make use of their fundamental rights and opportunities to participate in shaping society.

Democracy in everyday school life
School is the central place where children and young people learn about democracy. Teachers teach democratic skills through school subjects such as social studies and history. But democracy must also be practised in everyday school life. A democratic organisation of the school system requires more than just the teaching of democratic content.
There is often not enough time in the classroom to deal with the topic of democratic competence in detail. This makes extracurricular educational projects that have an impact in schools all the more important.
Respect, tolerance, freedom
Bringing democracy to life – this is the goal of worldlab, a project of the Global Ethic Foundation. In worldlab, we strengthen the democratic skills of students at vocational and general education schools in Baden-Württemberg. In a series of workshops, the participants meet each other in their diversity and agree on common values through dialogue. The workshops also raise awareness of democratic values such as respect, tolerance and freedom. In the practical project that follows, they have the opportunity to apply these values and to live them in everyday classroom and school life. After all, the best way to live and learn about democracy is through personal experience.
Democratic competence needs to be taught and practised to meet the challenges of today's world. School is an important place to reach students. But teachers cannot do it alone. Additional ideas and projects, such as worldlab, are needed to support teachers and teach democratic values.
"It's great that so much time can be devoted to the topic of values in the worldlab. This is not at all possible in everyday school life and not even in one lesson."
"In worldlab, the pupils are given a space in which they encounter each other in a completely new and different way than is often possible in everyday school life. This allows the group to have a completely new community experience that moves something within them."

For further reading
- State Center for Political Education Baden-Württemberg: “Demokratiebildung in der Schule”